So I was changing his diaper and of course his ability to now move as I do so sometimes leads to him turning over quickly and making a mad dash with no diaper. Never thought this day would come. Can't help but to think it's funny and adorable [except when its poo poo]. Well now we've discovered that he can CLIMB...up horses! Well I thought it was a perfect time to have a photo opp. Of course I gotta have the pictures to show all his friends and his girlfriend when he gets older. So enjoy his little big booty like I get to.
Your 2 Year Old
Friday, February 27, 2009
Posted by Ashmommy at 11:23 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Blue Mouth

I was eating a popsicle and he just grabbed it out of my mouth and I could hardly get it back. Luckily it was sugar free b/c it was night time and who knows what the sugar would have done for him. He was acting like he knew how to eat it too! so funny. when it was finished his mouth and tounge was all blue. So cute. I'll have to get him some pedipops for the future.
Posted by Ashmommy at 1:06 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Family and Friends

Posted by Ashmommy at 10:31 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
My Little Fishy
So my friend Katie works at the Swim Acedemy in Dublin and she's been begging me to bring Tyson there since he turned 6 months to a tiny tots class. I've been interested the entire time but never got a chance to bring him until today. Lately he has been really scared of taking a bath so I was curious to see how he would do in the pool. We arrived and when we first got in he was really scared. Wouldnt let go of me. Then as we continued to do the activities he got more and more comfotable. I think watching the other babies helped as well.
Normally they put the babies under water but since it was his first time they took it slow with him. We got him to go down to his chin. Then we practiced grabbing on to the side of the pool. The instructor said that we want the babies to learn how to grab on the side of the pool so if they ever fall in the pool they know to swim right to the edge. We always practices float on the back and going to the stairs and coming to mommy. The other babies were going under water and swimming to the instructor and kicking and splashing and some were younger then Tyson. Next time, he'll probably be ready to go under water. By the time the class was over Tyson was splashing and playing and didnt want to get out. Now we gotta try the bathtub and see if he'll enjoy it again.
Posted by Ashmommy at 2:15 PM 3 comments