
This blog was created in order for me to brag about my perfect son. :) A lot of friends and family members are not close enough to see Tyson everyday so I update this blog every few days [if not more] in order for all of you to "watch" him grow and keep up with his learning and accomplishments. Hope you enjoy!!

Your 2 Year Old

Two-year-olds give the biggest hugs, flash the biggest smiles, and yes, throw the loudest, most spectacular tantrums. Because they live in the moment, their feelings are especially transparent. It's tempting to want to keep things happy for your child at all times. But it's also important for her to experience emotions like sadness, frustration, and anger without always being "rescued" by Mom or Dad, so she can learn to cope better with small setbacks.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lint Free

Everytime Tyson takes off his socks now he has to check in between each of his toes to get the lint out. I think I got him doing that because I used to alwasy do it for him. Its so funny bc one time we were in an indoor playground and his sock fell off and he sat down and started looking in between his toes haha.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


For actual Easter Day we spent the evening at my friend Allison's house. She had an Easter party with some of her friends and family to celebrate the holiday and her dad's birthday. Tyson loves her house because her son has so many cool toys in the backyard. Once again Tyson got to Easter egg hunt except this time we didnt have our own basket so he was running around trying to carry as many as possible in his hands and then put them down so he could go get more. He got so many eggs, he was happy.

We had a fabulous dinner and then sang Happy Birthday to Allison's dad and had cake for dessert. Tyson then dyed some eggs with Allison's mom. I havent dyed eggs in so long I forgot it was part of the Easter tradition. So good thing he was still able to do it.

When we got home Tyson had a little Easter basket that I made waiting for him. He tore it opened and immediately started to eat candy. Not such a good idea before bed though. He wa still able to go to bed though and konked out hard from all the running around. We definitely had a fun Easter weekend this year.

Easter Festivities

This year we took Tyson to the same park we took him to last year for some easter festivities and of course and Easter Bunny Picture. It was Grape Arbor Park in Calabasas. We tried to make it in time for the easter egg hunt but of course we missed it again. The first thing we did this year was take pics with the Easter Bunny. Last year Tyson was a champ and didnt cry at ALL. This year...not so much. I figured it would be somewhat of an issue considering he was terrified of Santa Claus and he isnt a huge animal. So Justin and I sat on the Easter Bunny's lap with Tyson first and Tyson refused to sit on his lap. I had to put him on mine. Then... after that picture was over I quickly handed him over to the bunny and snaped a picture of him... obviously trying to get away. WARNING: RESULTS MAY CAUSE YOU TO PEE YOUR PANTS!

This is the cutest most sad picture ever. I mean definitely adorable in the fact that its just priceless crying bunny picture but sad bc i felt bad making him do it. I posted this on my facebook and got more then 20 comments of people saying it made their day! awww my poor papas.

After the terrifying picture we then let Tyson run around and play in the park for a little bit. We ran into a lot of mommy friends with their kids so Tyson got to play with some familiar faces for a little bit. Then we left in search of an easter egg hunt. Since Tyson wasnt old enough last year I was determined to participate in one this year. I thought he would have so much fun. We ffound one close to my house at Los Encinos Park and since my friend Chelsea was in town, her and I took Tyson.

He LOVED it. We were in a little corral with a bunch of 2 year olds and they scattered tons and ttons of eggs everywhere for all the little munchkins to find. Tyson was on a mission picking up every egg he found. He was running around back and forth searching for more sometimes picking one up right before another little kid would (of course I made him share though). He was also soo excited to open them up and find what was inside.

On our way home I, obviously not thinking, let him ride with his gifts in his lap and when I reached home I turned around to look at him and this is what I see:

He's pretty darn smart and of course found his way to the chocolate. You cant even mad at a face like this.

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