For Christmas this year Tyson and I came up to Northern California again to celebrate with my mother and my aunt and cousins and their kids. We have been doing this for a very long time. We used to go to my grandma;s house when she lived in the bay area. It used to be all my aunts and all the kids which was like 30 people with everyone's presents under the tree.. could you imagine. When she moved everyone kind of dispersed and a few of us would have it at my aunt Brenda's house. We go to her house on Christmas eve and eat dinner, watch movies, play games until midnight. Then when the clock strikes 12 we start opening all of our gifts. I remember being a kid and just anticipating the time so I could only imagine how the kids feel these days. This is Tyson's 2nd Christmas and this year he could actually open presents. He probably loves this time of year considering all the gifts he got to open from Hanukkah too. Since he got so many toys from the Bass family and friends, its a good thing my mom is obsessed with clothes because thats what he got from her. ALL CLOTHES. and a few toys. She got him a little tricycle and a bouncing turtle toy too. He also got to finally get a potty so we can start potty training him.
It took about 45 minutes for all the presents to be opened. Afterwards everyone was playing with their toys. Since Tyson mainly got clothes we had brought over some toys he got from Hanukkah. Everyone was amazed with the LUCKY dog he got that does commands by voice recognnition. He sits, sings, sleeps, stands on his head, plays dead, everything. After everyone was gone we stayed the night at my aunts and had breakfast the next morning and went back to Tracy. Now time to do a little re-arranging so we can figure out how to fit all of Tyson's new toys and clothes. Time to start getting rid of some old stuff.
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