
This blog was created in order for me to brag about my perfect son. :) A lot of friends and family members are not close enough to see Tyson everyday so I update this blog every few days [if not more] in order for all of you to "watch" him grow and keep up with his learning and accomplishments. Hope you enjoy!!

Your 2 Year Old

Two-year-olds give the biggest hugs, flash the biggest smiles, and yes, throw the loudest, most spectacular tantrums. Because they live in the moment, their feelings are especially transparent. It's tempting to want to keep things happy for your child at all times. But it's also important for her to experience emotions like sadness, frustration, and anger without always being "rescued" by Mom or Dad, so she can learn to cope better with small setbacks.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Mommy Group: Valentine's Day at the Park

The Friday before Valentine's Day there was a mommy meetup at Lake Balboa. I brought Tyson of course in his best Valentine's shirt. It said "Cupid is my Homeboy". LOVED IT!!! We got there and I have never seen so many desserts in my life. And they kept coming. Most of them red or pink themed. Of course I had gained a few pounds this day. There was sooo many desserts that Aja, the mom that hosted, had to beg people to take them. She was even giving away cupcakes at the park. People probably thought she was weird. lol.

Tyson spent a lot of time trying to chase birds. He also wanted to play at the park a lot. He likes going down the slide and swinging. He even found a little girlfriend. In the previous post you could see him work his magic. He kept hugging her over and over. I think he even tried to get her phone number once.

Of course before we left he practically tried to jump in the lake to pet the ducks. He LOOOOVES animals. so he was so happy. Its so amazing to watch him grow and see his little personality develop. he's definitely gonna be a ladie's man. Now just gotta make sure he's at least a good one.


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