he gets into my makeup!
Your 2 Year Old
Monday, December 14, 2009
What Happens...
he gets into my makeup!
Posted by Ashmommy at 9:43 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Christmas/Hannukah Tree
We ended up going to a tree place in Sherman Oaks off Ventura and Hazletine but it was raining and I didnt want to get out of the car. Justin decided he was still going to look. He called me in th e car and said "You want to know what tree we're getting?... its a noble and its originally $80...you want to know how much we're getting it for?... $39" I told him to just GET IT! Noble's are the most expensive trees because they are generally the best looking so we couldnt walk away with a deal like that. It was raining and the guy wasnt getting any sales so he gave us that spectacular deal. We tied the tree up to the car and headed home. The tree was a pretty good tree. It had its bad sides which I should have gotten out of the car to look at before we got it but overall I love it and with the deal we got who could pass. And it was tall enough to make Justin happy.
Posted by Ashmommy at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Favorite Chair
So the chair my dad got for Tyson for his birthday has been a huge hit. Tyson lovves sitting in it and watching his cartoons. In the mornings he will ask me for milk and when i'm making it he runs to the chair for me to give it to him. Cute until its his bedtime bottle and he still runs to his chair. :) He just looks so cute sitting in it and eating a snack or drinking milk. Now he even lays sideways in it and relaxes.
Posted by Ashmommy at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Fall Trees
Posted by Ashmommy at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Thanksgiving Day
So I finally downloaded some pictures from Thanksgiving. We went to my aunt's house in Hercules which is on the bay. She lives in the cutest little neighborhood. It's very new but oldfashioned. All of the house are so cute and vintage style. She lives in a three story "flat". in the front of the house on the bottom floor is a store. Her whole side of the street is like that with store fronts. Then across the street is the vintage looking houses. From her back balcony is a view of the water and trails you can walk or ride horses. She is constantly seeing people riding horses right out the back.
I love Thanksgiving time mainly because of the trees. The trees near her house werent that pretty but all o f the bay area everywhere I drove I saw the PRETTIEST sights I have ever seen that involved trees. Bright red, yellow, orange, green. It was definitely fall time.
So we used to have Thanksgiving at my grandma's house with my entire family. tons of cousins, aunts and uncles but when she moved to Las Vegas in 1996 we all kind of dispersed and started to do our own thing. My aunt, Cookie (thats her nickname) and her husband have been having my mom and I over every year since my grandmother moved. She has two daughters too. It used to be just us but now we all have kids too so there have been 5 more kids added to the mix over the last few years. We have some of the "traditional" food that most people have like of course Turkey, stuffing, cranberries, sweet potatoes, but we also throw in some collard greens with hamhocks, and homemade baked mac and cheese. I think everyone's favorite is the mac and cheese that my mom makes. I feel like our dinner wouldnt be complete without it. All of my friends even ask me to try to bring some home for them :) I try to make it myself sometimes but it never comes out quite the same. Trust me, mine is good but hers is better. Isnt that how it always is though.
When we go to my aunts house, besides my uncle Edward, Tyson is the only boy so he's constantly surrounded by little girls. Si'nayah was his little keeper this time. She was constantly helping us watch Tyson from going down the stairs or outside. Everytime he would go near the stairs that went down she would run up to him and say "No Tyson, come this way" and she would grab his hand and walk him back to the living room. At dinner my cousin brought over this little kids table with chairs for the kids to sit at and eat. Tyson was big enough to sit with the girls this year and eat his dinner himself. It was so cute, he sat in his little chair and ate his food. Not all of it though.
After dinner we got him in his pajamas and thats when my mom decided to put his hair in the little pony tails like I mentioned in the entry before. Si'nayah was staying the night too so she got in her pajamas and that is when the fun started. They started playing tag and hide and go seek. Chasing each other up and down the stairs and around the couch. Tyson was having so much fun. It was seriously just so nice seeing him play and have fun with his cousin. I cant wait until he's older and maybe have some brothers and sisters to play with. We spent the night at my aunt's house and in the morning it was Black Friday. My cousin wanted to wake up and go shopping at 5am but we didnt get up until 8am. They were already late. Everyone was going to go to Sacramento to go shopping. I had a photoshoot with a friend so I didnt go ANND i didnt really have money to go shopping anyways so I let my mom take Tyson so I could go to the photoshoot. Next Thanksgiving we'll be with Justin's family and we'll have a whole new adventure because Tyson will be even older. Cant wait!
Posted by Ashmommy at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Crazy Hair
So if you see Tyson lately you know his hair has been getting quite long. Definitely in need of a small haircut! Although i t fun to play with just not as fun trying to actually "do" it in the morning. Especially for him. Well my mom loves seeing what he looks like with ponytails. On thanksgiving she got a little out of hand though. She twisted his hair in a bunch of pony tails and it actually stayed like that until the next morning. He was running around all night with little ponies in his hair. So funny!
Posted by Ashmommy at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope everyone has a a wonderful TURKEY DAY! grub lots
Posted by Ashmommy at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Blog Month
So much for trying to blog everyday in November. That failed pretty quickly. eek. I have been sort of busy I guess. Or just not logging in as frequent as I used to. I like blogging with pictures though and I havent really taken any in the last few days though. I'll try.
Hey only 12 more days until Thanksgiving. what is everyone's plans? I think i'll be in the Bay Area this time around with my family since last year I spent it with Justin's family. I'd like to switch it up. Have some of my mom's yummy mac and cheese. She makes it better then I ever can.
Posted by Ashmommy at 6:20 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Posted by Ashmommy at 5:10 PM 1 comments
Playdate in the Park [in costume]
So since I made Tyson wear his costume for practically a week straight [i loved it so much] why not post some more pictures of him in it. [can you tell i'm trynna to get to 100 posts?] haha. We went on a playdate with all the mommy's and babies to the park adn all the babies had to dress in costume. It was funny when we arrived bc it was like all the babies were staring at each other wondering why the other was dressed so wierd not realizing they were too. LOL. awww i just love babies in costumes... so freaking adorable!!!!
Posted by Ashmommy at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Lucky #13
Tyson won #13 out of top 30 for Celebuzz cutest Kid's costumes. yay... you had to win top 3 though to win a prize...btu it was still cool to see his picture in the top 30 best.
check him and the other best out:'
Posted by Ashmommy at 3:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween party
Here are a few pictures from early Halloween when we went to the Sherman Oaks party with all my mommy group friends. It was fun, I wish we could have stayed longer. Tyson spent the whole time in the "kitchen". He was putting stuff in the microwave, burning stuff on the grill, cooking, cleaning... the whole sha-bamm. all the adults were laughing at him bc he was loving it. He must watch me a lot in the kitchen although i admit i rarely cook. LOL. lucky woman who marries him in the future!
Posted by Ashmommy at 3:16 PM 0 comments
HAHA these pictures make me laugh so much. For Halloween I wore my extensions and afterwards I took them out and decided to put them in Justin and Tyson's hair. Didn't last to long in Ty's hair but Justin had some fun with them. hahahha. so funny.
Posted by Ashmommy at 2:06 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Trick or Treat
Posted by Ashmommy at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Pumpkin Patch at Pierce
We finally got a chance to go the pumpkin patche the other day. I had been wanting to go for so long we finally got some time where both Justin and I could take him. We went to the one at Pierce College. There were lots of activities to do. It was a little expensive though and very cold outside so we didnt end up doing much but I think Tyson still had fun. He loved walking through the pumpkin patches and trying to pick up pumpkins and push wheelbarrels around. We werent really gonna have any time to carve pumpkins since we waited so long so we didnt get anything big. We ended up just getting Tyson two of those small $1 pumpkins which he was happy with.
Next year we'll have to go earlier in the season to get the most out of it. We have to try the corn maze adn hay rides of course.
Posted by Ashmommy at 12:56 PM 0 comments