since I finally have some extra time on my hands guess i'd grace you all with some wonderful pics of Tyson's first birthday. We went up north to celebrate his birthday. I have a lot of friends with kids and figured since it is a kid's birthday probably should have a lot of kids.
The day started out (technially weeks before) at 6am when I had to pick Justin up at the airport by 8:30am. I drove up a week before and since Justin had work and finals he stayed hom the week to study. I picked him up and previously had remembered that I had forgotten my high chair back in LA. We stopped by Wal-Mart to pick up a cheap one that we could return after the party. Of course we had to have a king's throne to decorate. We then had to run to party city and pick up a dozen and half balloons as well as some extra stuff we needed to decorate.
I was stressed out about getting a spot at the park because it's a very nice park on a very nice day. Of course we got to the park at 11 and there was no one there. Gave us time to run to get something to eat as well as money to pay the clown and lion we got for the kids. But then OF COURSE we got back and had to rush to set everything up before people showed up at 1pm. I mean on top of that people calling and texting left and right.
My mom had the birthday boy though so at least that was one less worry while we had to set up. So she calls on her way and realizes she forgot the potatoe salad at home and had to go all the way back. Mind you her home is about 25 miles away from where the party was. People started showing up and there was NO birthday boy! Luckily I at least got to bring some of the food and some toys for the kids to play with. So all of a sudden there a friends and kids at the park and my mom has fruit and veggie platters and TYSON. I aske her to ring Ty to the park at least before she has to pick up the cake from Safeway.
She did that and the party began. But hey it was 1:30 and only 3 friends and 4 kids down. I was happy because it gave me more time to setup but stressed because I felt like no one was going to show up. Well the birthday boy was there at least so had to at least entertain him since he decided to get shy around all the people. We stuck him in his birthday chair with toys and food and he was set. So everyone started showing up around the same time when I realized "Where is my mom?". She dropped off Tyson and the food but she had all the stuff to start cooking the hot dogs and the ice so all the drinks were warm. None of my family had shown up at this time either.
Finally around 2:30 my mom shows up with the cakes as the lion gets there and is slowly setting up (of course dressed as a real man at this point). Family come in one by one and as we begin to finally cook some real food (besides rice cakes, chips, PB&J sandwiches, and fruit). From the parking lot we then see a clown and lion walking towards the party. Some kids are happy, some already crying. Tyson.... just eating non chalantly with no clue what day it is nor that all of this is for him. They begin their show and not to be mean, but it was VERY corny. Since I had scared half the kids, they didn't want to come close to the clown or lion so only a few (and by few I mean like 3) participated in his games which made everything I guess a little more amusing for the adults.
The show was about an hour and 15 minutes. It consisted of birthday presents for the birthday boy, educational interactive games for the kids to participate in, magic show, and balloon animals. They gave Tyson this big glasses to wear that looked so funny on him. He actually kept them on for a long time too during the show. Tyson was in his chair for most of the event until the end he finally wasn't shy to walk around. The lion took some pictures with the kids and Tyson and they were on their way. Now it was time to bring out the cake and sing "Happy Birthday". A few days befor ehis Birthday we recieved this coupon in the mail for "Buy a 1/4 sheet cake or bigger
and get a 4x4" cake for free. This was perfect because I was planning on having a tiny cake for Tyson just to stick his face in and mess up himself. We ordered those two and an extra cupcake cake for the kids only because they look so cool. So I bring out the madagascar cake (his party was safari themed) and the cupcake cake but where is Tyson's cake? My mom forgot it while rushing for everything else at the store. I was a little mad but luckily the cupcake cake had this little section of 4 cupcakes I could just give Ty for himself.
We gathered around Tyson and started singing Happy Birthday. I think this was the first time he was around so many people with all eyes on him and everyone singing (i mean where else would this all happen besides his He had the biggest smile on his face. I'm glad my friend let me use her video camera becuase besides his birth I dont have Tyson on film at all. How ironic both times are on the same day.
After singing Happy Birthday of course it was time for the borthday boy to stick his face in his cake. I handed him the 4 cupcakes and the laughs begin. He immediately just sticks his face in the cake as if he knew that's what everyone was expecting. It was the most adorable thing I have ever seen. We left him with the cupcake/frosting heaven and he went to town. I dont even think he realized it was food and he could eat it. It was like he was just shoving his face in the icing the whole time. My mom was freaking out "Ashley he can't breathe" becuase he had frosting ALL over his face including his nose. I just laughed b/c I knew he was having so much fun. He then tried to start throwing the cupcakes on the ground but he has so mcuh frosting on his hands, everything was just sticking. We then decided it was time to clean him up and attempt to clean the highchair (b/c remember we were going to take it back). It was a a mission trying to get all that cake and frosting off hsi hands and face not mentioning it was dying him blue. We opened all all of presents, cleaned up,stuffed the high chair back in the box and was out the park by 5pm. Gave Justin and I just enough time to stop back at Wal-Mart and back to Oakland by 6:15pm to catch his plane home. I havent gotten the chance to mail the Thank You cards yet (dont worry they're coming) but I wanted to thank everyone that was able to come and celebrate this special time with Tyson. He enjoyed himself and I hope you all enjoyed yourself and he's so lucky to have so many people around him that love and care for him so much.
SO many that Birthday Party number 2 is just around the corner. Hopefully I'll be a little more organized. This one is at our house in LA with LA family and friends. AHHHH let the wildness begin!
This blog was created in order for me to brag about my perfect son. :) A lot of friends and family members are not close enough to see Tyson everyday so I update this blog every few days [if not more] in order for all of you to "watch" him grow and keep up with his learning and accomplishments. Hope you enjoy!!
Your 2 Year Old
Two-year-olds give the biggest hugs, flash the biggest smiles, and yes, throw the loudest, most spectacular tantrums. Because they live in the moment, their feelings are especially transparent. It's tempting to want to keep things happy for your child at all times. But it's also important for her to experience emotions like sadness, frustration, and anger without always being "rescued" by Mom or Dad, so she can learn to cope better with small setbacks.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Posted by Ashmommy at 1:18 PM
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