
This blog was created in order for me to brag about my perfect son. :) A lot of friends and family members are not close enough to see Tyson everyday so I update this blog every few days [if not more] in order for all of you to "watch" him grow and keep up with his learning and accomplishments. Hope you enjoy!!

Your 2 Year Old

Two-year-olds give the biggest hugs, flash the biggest smiles, and yes, throw the loudest, most spectacular tantrums. Because they live in the moment, their feelings are especially transparent. It's tempting to want to keep things happy for your child at all times. But it's also important for her to experience emotions like sadness, frustration, and anger without always being "rescued" by Mom or Dad, so she can learn to cope better with small setbacks.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I'm It!

I was tagged by the lovely Mrs. Law

8 Things I Look Forward To:
1) Getting Married
2) Having more kids
3) Going on a vacation with my family
4) Watching my kids grow into wonderful adults
5) The Beach
6) Tyson's BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!
7) Meeting my grandchildren (i kno I have a long way to go)
8) Going back to school to get my masters

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1) Got a ton of food for Tyson's birthday party
2) Went to Chile's with Katie and Ashley
3) Had two margaritas and thought of Mexico
4) Ordered the birthday cake
5) Ate Costco pizza
6) Blow dried and straightened my hair
7) Made a list of things i still need to get for the party
8) Uploaded pictures from my camera to my computer.

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1) Go swimming
2) Get into some kind of shape
3) Run everyday
4) Travel the world
5) Make someone a scrapbook (and they pay me for it of course)
6) Buy photoshop and learn how to use everything on it
7) Graphic and web design
8) Invent something

8 Shows I Watch:
1) Gossip Girl
2) 90210
3) The Game
4) Oprah
5) House
6) Weeds
7) Californication
8) United States of Tara

I Tag the following people! (i dont have many blogger friends)

The Mueller Chronicles
Jamie and Lance Hunter
Baking Baby Lovf
Waiting for Baby Foreste
Whatever Happens Happens
Katrina is a Princess

i'll have to cmoment to even tell these people they are tagged!!!


Britney said...

I just found your blog from Mrs. Law and I love it! your baby boy is precious and your scrapbook inspired me to do something similar :)

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