So i don't know if u noticed but usually when i behind on posting, I back date it so it seems as though I'm still on schedule. Well I have gotten so far behind (over a month) that I am going to do one big catch up post right now just semi-going over what's been happening in Tyson's life. THEN hopefully I can stay caught up.
NEW FRIEND (7/16/09)
Thief (7/17/09)
Sometimes i wonder how Tyson managed to get some of my things and they end up on the other side of the house. I think I figured it out. I caught him red-handed...(well almost)
Mommy Group: Swim Play date (7/19/09)
Mommy Group: Griffith Observatory (7/22/09)
Callsource Summer Party (7/24/09)
VIVA LAS VEGAS (7/29/09 - 8/1/09 )
One of my long lost friends lives out there too and we got a chance to meet up with her as well. We were friends from 7yrs old until about 14yrs old then we lost contact. I have not seen or spoken to her since. I always looked for her on myspace, her mother and sister but never found her. Then she ended up finding me on facebook even years after me looking for her and we've been in contact since. She now has a 3.5 year old daughter. Crazy we both have kids now. our drive to and from Vegas was a nightmare though. On the way there Tyson puked while in his car seat all over himself and the car and we had to stop in the middle of the desert and clean his seat and change his clothes. The car smelt like puke the entire rest of the way. THEN on the way home he threw up AGAIN. This time i caught most of it in my hands (oh the joy of motherhood) and i just changed him in the car as we were driving and we didn't even stop b/c by this point we just wanted to get home. I wonder if he's getting motion sickness now after long drives.
Bay Area (8/2/09 - 8/8/09)
Visit with Robin and Izabella (8/13/09)
POBRECITO (8/17/09 - present)
So I noticed Tyson had a little fever Thursday night and the following nights so I would give him some Tylenol before bed. He wasn't complaining too much so I figured it was apart of him teething. I was just hoping he wouldn't get sick from when i was sick. Well Sunday night I let him go to his Great grandmother's house for dinner with his grandparents and they said he had a fever and was whiny all night. I was out with some friends for a going away party and when I got home that night Ty was sleeping. He then woke up at like 1am and would not go back to sleep. I put him in the bed with me and he woke only slept in 20 minute increments the rest of the night and the entire next day. Poor baby! he would sleep for about 15-20minutes then wake up tossing ans turning and crying. I had to hug him and console with him all night. That's what moms are for right?
The next day my little sick guy was just miserable. Not only did he hardly have any sleep but hardly any food either. It's so unusual to see him like this. When he's not up and laughing then he must really be sick. That whole day he was just burning up and it was neat impossible to get him to keep down the Tylenol. He slept again all day in 20 min increments and that night. I was convinced he had an ear infection bc I;ve been through this once before and he had a double infection really bad. He was also pulling on his ears. The next morning I took him to the hospital and they checked him out and said his ears were fine, his throat was fine and maybe he was just feeling like I was when i was sick, especially since Justin started to get sick too and if he still had a fever in 3 days to come back. Well he started to get better but then worse again and he still had a fever and was still pulling on his ears. We took him to the hospital again and THIS time they said he had an ear infection in both ears. MAN DO MOTHERS KNOW BEST!!! I was thrilled to find this out because at least now there was something we could do for him to stop the pain. That same day, earlier Justin found out he has strep throat and they prescribed him Amoxycilin. So there we were at the Kaiser pharmacy picking up Amoxycilin for both of them. Crazy hat within a week and a half we all had different stuff wrong with us. Flu, Strep, and Ear Infections.
Tyson just started his medicine the other day so he is still feeling really bad. Hopefully the medicine kicks soon. He has to take it for 10 days along with Tylenol and Ibuprofen. He is in much better spirits but still not feeling well and sad mostly before and after nap/bedtime. I can't wait to have my normal little guy back and hopefully we don't have to take him to the hospital anymore.
To much to comment on...but I will try...I love the looking for waldo pictures. Also the one of tyson at the pool with the watermelon that is so cute...and of course the picture of him looking sick is priceless with his little hand up to his ear leaning on his daddy! SO CUTE!!!
Aw Ash!! He is sooo beautiful! I love little Tyson!
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