Your 2 Year Old
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The Day I've Been Waiting For
I knew the day would come when Tyson would pull down all the DvD's. And he's not even that mobile yet.
Posted by Ashmommy at 11:43 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Being Thankful
So I finally got to pick up my baby in LA. I flew to Burbank Thanksgiving morning at 7am. Justin went to go play football so I got some alone time with my papas when I first saw him. He was sooo happy to see me. He had a huge smile on his face. It was wierd for me because I hadnt seen him in so long it seemed like. I can tell he had an awesome time with his daddy and family though. It was nice that he got to spend some time with them. After Justin got back from football we made 2lbs of home-made baked mac and cheese. Family recipe that my mom always makes for the holidays. It was really good and I think Justin's family enjoyed it. I hope ;) We went to Justin's parents house and had dinner over there with some of his mom and dad's family. Lots of food! There were two tables, one for the "adults" and one for the "kids" or now becoming "young adults". Its funny because you think after having a child that you would graduate to the adult table. lol. Our table seemed to be having more fun anyways. :) I didnt have my camera but there were plenty of pictures taken and once I get some I'll put them up for show.

I AM THANKFUL FOR: Tyson having so many friends and family that love him!!!!
I hope everyone was able to spend time with family or friends and I wish you all a Happy Thankgiving.
Posted by Ashmommy at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Video Phone

So Justin started working for this company called ACN. It's a telecommunications company that sells different types of services. Well he bought me a digital video phone so we can see each other when we talk. So when I have Tyson he can see him and vice versa. Well its come into play very well since Justin has Tyson right now. I want to use it ALL day because I love being able to see him. Now I just need more of my friends or family to buy one so I can use it more often. Anyone interested? dad?
Posted by Ashmommy at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
So I returned from LA on Thursday WITHOUT Tyson. I left him to stay with his Daddy for a week and it's been so hard. I know that Justin is doing good with him, that's not the issue, it's just that I miss him so much and this is the first time I am going to be gone from him this long. I'm not used to being without him. I got out of my car yesterday and for a split second felt like I was forgetting him somewhere. AWWWW Tyson I MISS You!!! BUT this is good time that he gets to spend and have big boy time with Daddy so for that I am thankful. I have to try and get Justin to take daily pictures of Tyson and send them to me so I can still keep you guys updated on how he's doing. I wasnt able to do that when I was there. But I hope they are doing good.
Here's the only two pics I took while in LA. And it was the sky the day of the fires! It was crazy because in Woodland Hills it was just all grey and orange and it just completely smelled like burnt wood. I went to the mall and walking from my car to the mall it was almost impossible to breathe. It's dangerous because there are so many toxins just floating through the air. But thank god it's over and I pray for all those families and people that lost their homes and belongings.
Posted by Ashmommy at 12:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
LA Fires
So Tyson and I are in LA again visiting his daddy. I'm going to stay here for a few days but I start a new job at Comcast on Friday so I have to go home but I am leaving Tyson here with Justin until Thanksgiving. I am then flying back for Thanksgiving [I can't miss Tyson's 1st Thanksgiving] and then bringing Tyson home with me. So he will be in LA for a week without me. :( I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself without him. I wont have him to update his blog either unless I can convince his daddy to do it ;)
Luckily we came yesterday because today highway 5 is closed in Valencia because of the fires. It's crazy how quickly it's been spreading because of the winds and how close it is to where Justin lives. They are starting to evacuate Granada Hills which is literally a few exits away from here. Hopefully we don't get evacuated, I don't think we will. Because of the fires though, it's actually been pretty hot out here. The weather today is 87 degrees. They say because of the wind pressure, for every 1000 feet decrease is altitude the temp gets 5 degrees hotter. So it's actually probably a nice day to go to the beach believe is or not. Not only is it further away from the fire so the air is a little better but its hot in the coastal areas. [Do I sound like a weather woman or what?] I have my camera but I don't have the cord to hook it to the computer so I cant post any pictures unless i take them from my phone. I'll do what I can.
Justin just bought the baby a ton of new toys though to keep him occupied while he's here. He got a new bouncer and walker and little baby laptop. I wonder if Tyson will actually try to walk in his walker. We'll see i guess. Gotta go right now but I'll stay updated throughout the week.
Until then.
Posted by Ashmommy at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
On the Move
So today I had Tyson on his boppy laying down and he had been drinking his milk watching cartoons while I was trying to do some stuff. Before I know it, he had rolled over onto his stomach. Well there was a toy there so he was playing happily with it. I decided he could stay on his stomach as long as he was having fun. So I went into the other room for a minute to change my clothes... not thinking he could move anywhere. I come around the corner after changing my clothes and he wasn't there. I hear him though.
Talking Making his baby noises from the other side of the ottoman. I walk over and he has the lower half of his body underneath the ottoman. I couldnt help but just laugh. It was just so cute because he looks at me like "what mom?". So I guess he's mobile now. The only thing is that he doesnt move forwards. He pushes himself backwards. He just scoots backwards until he cant go no more. I put him down again and he backed himself all the way into the couch until the leg of the couch was in between his leg and he couldnt go back anymore. I guess I can't run into the room for a minute anymore without him.
We're gonna have a crawler soon!!!
Posted by Ashmommy at 7:15 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
So Tyson's been doing this thing where he just moves his lips and nothing comes out. It's so funny. I think he trys to imitate what he sees when I talk. Except he has no words. lol. I feel like you could just do a voice over with his video. He could be the next baby on that commercial that talks into the webcam. soon enough words will be coming out.
Posted by Ashmommy at 10:23 AM 1 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Dirrrty Ty
So i was feeding Tyson tonight and afterwards I go to pick him up and change him and I see this stuff seeping through his pajamas on his stomach. Well since I fed him green beans I thought that maybe some green beans fell on him. So i go to open his pajamas and my fear was true. It wasn't green beans. It was poopies seeping through his 'jamas. He had poopie ALL over his stomach and all over his legs and back. Man has he been going a lot lately. Guess I don't have to worry too much about the constipation anymore. Well I immediately gave him a bath in which he is just so adorable. Especially since he can sit up now. So I took some pictures to share. Enjoy!

Posted by Ashmommy at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Put Tyson in front of a mirror and he can play for hours. I think he thinks it's another little baby. I read that infants dont recognize their reflection is them until about 9 months old. He's so cute though!it's a sure way to get him to smile!
Posted by Ashmommy at 7:08 PM 0 comments
Making Friends
Posted by Ashmommy at 3:27 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
LA Times
This last week was a fun filled time for Tyson as he got to spend 9 days with daddy in LA. Justin moved into a new place and Tyson has his OWN ROOM. It isn't fully decorated yet but he has his own closet and dressers and place to sleep. It was the first time he slept in a room by himself. He did pretty good. He would wake up a few times in the middle of the night sort of crying but still sleeping and I had to go in and just stick his paci back in his mouth but overall it was good for him. Good thing Justin has a monitor with a TV so we could watch him while he slept.
He also got to meet a new member of his family which is Justin's new dog Dillinger. They got along great. Tyson is an animal lover and whenever the animals come near him he gets the biggest smile ever its really cute. He has even learned how to pet them with some occasional grabbing. But they love him too and he gets a little lick in the face every once in a while. So now he has 3 pets. A cat and two dogs! Charlie, Gidgette, and Dillinger.
Tyson also got his 6 month shots today including a flu shot. He did well as always. The doctor usually counts down from 3 as soon as I pick him up to see how long it takes for him to stop crying and he only cried for 2 seconds. He's very good at handling pain. But he's growing normally and he's in all the right ranges. He's almost 27 inches and 16 pounds 12 ounces. Gained a whole 9 pounds and grew almost 6 inches since birth. He's PERFECT!
Posted by Ashmommy at 4:20 PM 0 comments