This blog was created in order for me to brag about my perfect son. :) A lot of friends and family members are not close enough to see Tyson everyday so I update this blog every few days [if not more] in order for all of you to "watch" him grow and keep up with his learning and accomplishments. Hope you enjoy!!
Your 2 Year Old
Two-year-olds give the biggest hugs, flash the biggest smiles, and yes, throw the loudest, most spectacular tantrums. Because they live in the moment, their feelings are especially transparent. It's tempting to want to keep things happy for your child at all times. But it's also important for her to experience emotions like sadness, frustration, and anger without always being "rescued" by Mom or Dad, so she can learn to cope better with small setbacks.

It's so cute how hard Tyson tries to be Charlie's friend but Charlie just doesn't care. Everytime he walks by or comes near ,Ty's face just lights up. And Charlie just walks on by paying him no attention. Now Tyson is getting bold and he tries to pet him and I think Charlie is warming up a little bit because he allows Tyson to get closer. I think a friendship is starting to bond. Until Tyson gets old enough to pull his tail! :)
[ps: tyson can not hold himself up yet, i am holding him]
Is he standing....he is the cutest child I know and I just love him so much....
I am so happy that GOD gave Tyson a mother like you and a faher like Justin. He is such a happy baby. I can't wait until I see him again. God bless him always.
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