This blog was created in order for me to brag about my perfect son. :) A lot of friends and family members are not close enough to see Tyson everyday so I update this blog every few days [if not more] in order for all of you to "watch" him grow and keep up with his learning and accomplishments. Hope you enjoy!!
Your 2 Year Old
Two-year-olds give the biggest hugs, flash the biggest smiles, and yes, throw the loudest, most spectacular tantrums. Because they live in the moment, their feelings are especially transparent. It's tempting to want to keep things happy for your child at all times. But it's also important for her to experience emotions like sadness, frustration, and anger without always being "rescued" by Mom or Dad, so she can learn to cope better with small setbacks.
so this year Ty and I both had our first 2 passover seders. One with Justin's close family and another the next day with his extended family as well. To tell you the truth I was kinda nervous because I didn't know what to expect. When Jerry (Ty's grandfather) had sent me the invitation via email about the big passover seder I started researching what passover was all about. But of course that was a while ago and when the time came I completely forgot what I learned. Of course when we started some things started to come back to me.
On Wednesday April 8th, when we arrived at Justin's Grandma's house, she had two tables set up beautifully for everyone. The setting's included wine, boiled egg in salt water, matzah, and gefilte fish. In the middle of the two tables that were set up was the Seder plate which had symbolic foods that would be eaten or explained throughout the course of the Seder. We each received a copy of the Haggadah which is text that explains the complete Seder service. What I thought was cool was that everyone is equally obligated to participate in the service. I had never read the Exodus, which is the story of how Moses led the Jews out of Egypt from the salvery of the Pharaoh, so it was very interesting to me to be able to learn something new.

This was also my first time trying most of the food like Matzah Ball Soup and Gefilte fish. The fish I could do without, although it wasn't that bad, but the Matzah Ball Soup was delicious. There's no way anyone wouldn't like it. I also am NOT a wine person. All wine just taste sour to me and I usually never drink it. Sometimes when I think I can possibly handle it, always turns out that yep I don't like it. Well I discovered Manischewitz Wine which is a Kosher wine that tastes oh-so-good.

This is Tyson and his Auntie Doris, who is a huge follower and commenter for the blog, thank you Doris, if it weren't for you I wouldnt be so sure anyone takes the time to actually read this. lol. Everytime we go to great Grandma and Grandpa's house, of course everyone just loves Tyson and wants his attention because he's the only grandchild and great-grandchild in the close family. We always joke around if Justin, Tyson, and I arrive before Stacey and Neal about how everyone has about 10 minutes to spend with Tyson before Stacey and Neal come and steal him away. So lucky auntie Doris got a picture with the infamous Tyson and this day everyone got a little time with him.

This is Justin and Tyson wearing his Kippah aka Yamaka, which used to be uncle Jordan's when he was younger. It was a little big for Tyson but it was cute for him to wear it all night. Sooner or later he'll fit in it better. The Passover Seder is a great tradition where in the telling of Jewish history and tradition is transmitted from one generation to the next. One way to encourage children to participate is by hiding the afikoman, which is a piece of Matzo that is broken during the early stage of passover, and encouraging the children to find it after the Seder proceedings for a prize of money. Well Tyson, being the only person under the age of 12 was lucky that he had no competition. He found the afikomen and got $5 for it.

All and all my first passover experience was great and I look forward to many to come and teaching Tyson more about his Jewish heritage. I think that with most other holidays, specifically mentioning Christian holidays, many people lose the true meaning and reasons they are celebrating the holiday in the first place either from being caught up through presents, food, or suedo-figures. WHat really amazed me about Passover was that since the Haggadah serves as the guide, the seder must be performed pretty much the same all over the world. I learned a lot of new things during teh passover seder and I think it is a wonderful way for Jewish people to praise, gives thanks, remember and passdown the true reason the holiday is celebrated in the first place.
And the next day we did the whole thing all over again...but with more family.
Ashley, that is the greatest way I have heard Passover explained. So eloquent! And of course I love the picture of Tyson and I... :) haha
Love ya,
Hey Missy, I read this blog!! =)
I'm glad you guys had fun, he is just so adorable!
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