
This blog was created in order for me to brag about my perfect son. :) A lot of friends and family members are not close enough to see Tyson everyday so I update this blog every few days [if not more] in order for all of you to "watch" him grow and keep up with his learning and accomplishments. Hope you enjoy!!

Your 2 Year Old

Two-year-olds give the biggest hugs, flash the biggest smiles, and yes, throw the loudest, most spectacular tantrums. Because they live in the moment, their feelings are especially transparent. It's tempting to want to keep things happy for your child at all times. But it's also important for her to experience emotions like sadness, frustration, and anger without always being "rescued" by Mom or Dad, so she can learn to cope better with small setbacks.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I wonder what George had to say

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Santa Cruz Times

i got a new camera for Christmas and it takes ABSOLUTE WONDERFUL pictures. So Tyson, Justin, my friend and her daughter, and I went to Santa Cruz and spent a few hours walking around. It was Tyson and Justin's first time. I felt like a professional photographer. Some of the pictures were just amazing. Here a few to enjoy. Compared to my other camera, it takes the picture so quickly that it makes it easier to catch some of Tyson's moments. My other camera was so slow by the time the picture took, the moment was over. Now since I will have so many great pictures I really have to start my scrapbook.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Cough Cough

Tyson has had a slight cold for 3 weeks. It started as a runny nose then a chest cold. Well 3 days ago he developed a cough and it just doesnt to be getting better. When we took him to the doctors 3 weeks ago they said the chest cold could last 12 days but there was nothing they could give him for it to go away. It was getting a little better but now its back and really never fully went away. Well since it's been 3 weeks, Justin took him to the pediatrician and they discovered Tyson has Bronchitis and an ear infection. WHAT?!?! he is the happiest baby ever you would have never guessed!!! Even with a painful cough and ear infection he still just smiles. I had no idea. NEways, he now has to use an inhaler every 4 hours to clear his chest and he has to take Amoxicylin 2 times a day for the next 10 days for it to clear up. My poor little baby!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Xmas and Happy Hannukah

Every year for Christmas my mom and I go to my aunts house and open presents with some family. We usually go there on CHristmas Eve and then spend some time eating, watching movies, listening to music and waiting... we wait until midnight and then start opening presents. This year was Tyson's first time joining the family for the tradition. He was all over the place. Once again he was the one of the only boys. There were 15 of us with only 3 guys [tyson included]. I thought i was going to have to give Tyson a short nap so he could stay up until midnight but he was live with action until then.

When midnight came I was so excited to give Tyson his first present. I thought he would try to tear it open but he was more interested in the bows. He would just sit there and try and eat the bows of course. So I actually had to do most of the opening for him so I guess it was more like Christmas for me instead of him. He got sooo many gifts from me, grandma, and family. Although I banned her from buying clothes, my mother of course bought him a few outfits but besides that he recieved a bunch of toys.

It was funny because I surrounded him with a few and they were all making noises at the same time he didnt know what to do. He got a ball the moves on its own and sings. Its suppose to be good for crawling because he has to chase it around. He got a few stuffed animals that move and make noises... my absolute favorite being his bouncing Tigger. When you push Tiggers tail he starts bouncing and singing really fast. He also got a Baby Einstein DVD and two books, one of the books is so I cna teach him some basic sign language. I've been trying to teach him "milk" since he was born and he finally makes the movements when he's hungry so I am excited to teach him some more signs. Tyson stayed awake until 1am. He slept really good after that.

Well while we were at my aunt's house, Justin was on his way driving up to see Tyson. He got in at 2am so we saw him on Christmas day instead. He of course brought some more presents for Hannukah and helped Tyson open them. Justin's family celebrated Hannunkah the weekend before but Tyson and I couldnt make it down there so Justin came up here to share the holiday with us. This time Justin got to help Tyson open his presents. Of course he got him some more toys. Noisy ones at that.
Overall Tyson had a great holiday and received lots of presents from everyone. Thanks to ev eryone that was a part of his wonderful time and although we couldnt see everyone, you were all in our thoughts and we wish you a very happy season!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Houston we have a crawler

First off I just want to apologize that I do not keep up with this as much as i would like to now. Since I am now back in the workforce I dont have as much time to take the pictures neccessary to keep this up and sometimes I think that just entries with no pictures are boring but at the same time I have come to realize that its better then nothing huh. So at the least I'll try to write if I cant post a picture.

So we have an army crawler in the house. Tyson has been moving backwards for a while now but just the other day he has learned how to drag himself forward. I think he's gonna walk before he can crawl. He LOVEs standing up and its so cute bc u can see how proud he gets. I'll have to capture it on camera soon. Even when he tries to crawl its more like he tries to stand up. He pushes him up on his hands then he stands on his two feet and tries to stand up versus crawling. My mom said i only crawled for two weeks so I wonder if he'll be the same. I won't be surprised. any opportunity he can he tries to stand. Now he stands and then wont bend his legs to sit so i try to sit him down and he's stiff as a board. Already a little rebel!

I'll try tog et pictures soon!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Tyson started on some finger foods. He now has added Gerber Graduates PUFFS in sweet potatoe style. They are these little star chapes cereal like foods. I was nervous when I wanted to try and give them to him since he doesnt have any teeth. I didnt want him to choke but they instantly dissolve in his mouth. Its funny bc he tries to chew them as if he has teeth. I think thats from imitating us eating. He has gotten much better at eating them now compared to when he first started. I would give him like 10 and i'd think he ate them bc they were all missing off the highchair but then i'd go to pick him up and they were actually all just hiding underneath his bottom. Now when i give them to him he eats all of them. Finger foods are good for babies to strengthen their fine motor skills [using their thumb and finger to pick them up] and hand eye coordination [putting them in his mouth]. I feel like he's just growing sooo fast. Already eating by himself now!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Got My Vans On...

I absolutelly love this outfit on Tyson. Everything about it is sooo cute! I was in the mall and i was walking past the Vans store adn saw the litte vans in the window and HAD to get them. They are absolutely adorable. I love the big feet on the bottom of them. they look so funny when he is sitting down bc all you see are these big feet. But hey, they help me make sure I put them on the right foot. LOL. plenty of times I have made the mistake of putting his little shoe on the wrong foot.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Tyson is finished with his second week of daycare and he has already made something.

Well he didnt really make this but he helped. If you can't notice the little leaves are his hands. The daycare teacher had to trace hos hands 20 times to create this masterpiece. So this is officially Tyson's first present to me and daddy! Isn't he so artistic!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tree Up

The Christmas Tree is up...
...and Hopefully it stays up!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hungry Cat

Every morning when I'm feeding Tyson, Charlie will just sit there and watch him eat. He meows at me too as if im supposed to be feeing him too. I have to let him smell Tyson's food to show him it's just baby food. Then he walks away!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Today was Tyson's 1st day in daycare EVER! I starting working again after being lucky and having 7 months off (not counting the short time i went back to work for 3 weeks in so-cal). I was very excited for him because I really like the place I picked. Cindy has had daycare in her same home for 18 years. Her and her sister watch a total of 14 children. I know it's a lot but they are all very well behaved and most of them have been with her for a long time. Half of the kids go to school during the day while the other half stay home because they are younger. With the younger kids she does "school" with them everyday teaching them their alphabet, letters, how to write, and even how to read. A lot of the children she has are pretty advanced for their age which is very important to me because that means Tyson is going to be in a very enriched environment.

Before Tyson's first day today we visited her house two times interviewing and watching how Cindy, her sister, and the other kids engaged with Tyson. They ALL love him! especially all the little girls, of course! The first time we were there I ended up staying an hour and a half just talking to Cindy and watching her interaction with the other children. They are all really well behaved and get along great with the babies.

Today when I arrived all the children were telling Cindy "Tyson is here, Tyson is here". They were all excited he was coming. The older kids were already off to school when I arrived so they didnt get to see him. She told me even the older kids were looking forward to seeing and playing with Tyson today but after I told her my mother was going to pick him up at 2pm, she said the other kids would be very sad they would miss him (b/c they would be returning from school right after he left). When I left him for the day he was already just playing with the toys and the other kids just fitting right in. I picked him up to say goodbye and he didnt even care, he just tried to get back on the ground to play with the toys again.... I was sad!!!

Of course I met my mother at Cindy's house today when she picked him up because I had to see how he did. Of course, he did GREAT! Tomorrow will be his first FULL day so hopefully it'll go just as good. I can't imagine otherwise though. The only difference is that ALL the kids will be there in the afternoon so it will actually be more eventful for him.

Tyson and Alexandria are the only infants Cindy watches. Alexandria is 8 months (9 soon). The next oldest is 2 years old. So she is his new friend! She is really advanced for her age and Cindy believes it is because of the other children. She will be teaching Tyson a lot. She has been crawling for a while now and Cindy said that yesterday she took her first two steps. She said she even said HI. She will be walking easily within a few days. Today when I was there she just stood up by herself with no help at all. No grabbing on to anything except for a pillow on the ground to pull her up. And she stood there for a few seconds just balanced. I was shocked!
I feel very comfortable with Tyson at this place and Im looking forward to see how much he is going to learn from the other kids. Tomorrow is a whole new day!

Welcome Home

This is from the plane trip home from LA... He's so cute!

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