Last Wednesday Tyson and I met up with the mommies and kiddies at Kidspace in Pasadena. It's like a discovery museum for kids. They have different areas geared towards certain ages and I think it's very cool they have sections for children 4 and under. Most places like this are usually only for bigger children but this was perfect because even the little kids had some fun stuff they could do.
When Ty and I got there, I wasn't feeling too good. My allergies had gotten the best of me and I was a dripping mess. I could not stop sneezing and dripping fluid from my nose. Also, I didn't wear a belt that day so bending over every couple of minutes to pick up, move, or stop Tyson wasn't that easy either way.
We started in this playroom that was for children age 4 and under. It was perfect because it had soft mats on the floor and tons of things to play with the baby. Plus it was only for smaller kids so we didn't have to worry about the older kids getting in the way. This was only the meeting area for the moms so we only stayed there for a little bit. We then moved on to the main area that was the exploration area for all ages but I found that it was most interesting for older children. The babies were just too small for most of the areas in this section but they did have some pretty cool things. They had this huge bee hive and there was this tube that came from outside, so the outside bees would fly in the tube and into the hive and you can see them making honey. You can also point out the queen bee. They also had these cool stairlike things that were suppose to be clouds that you could walk up all the way to the top of the building and look out. Tyson and I tried this but I had to hold him the entire time because there were so many children running up and down so fast, i didn't want him to get hurt, although I hit my head on the top of a "cloud" more then once. This section did have a lot to do but like said, it would be something more interesting as Tyson is a little older.
We then moved on to a new section that was geared towards the smaller crowd ad where we stayed for a long majority of the time. It was a little water playground. It was kinda chilly outside but the kids were still having so much fun playing in the water. This part was easier for me because I didn't feel like I had to bend down so much to watch him or move him out of the way from older kids knocking him down. There were bridges and steering wheels, and a play house... and a big area with buckets and slides that carried water. Tyson of course loved the water part because he thinks splashing is so fun.
It was so cute to see him playing among all the kids. He gets along with other kids pretty well. He's at the stage where he kinda plays by himself because he is so busy exploring the world and learning how everything works. When he does come up to the other kids, he usually tries to hug or kiss them. With the babies I have to watch him, because sometimes he can grab on too hard. At this time, my eyes had begun watering and I had blown my nose a million times. I had to continually carry paper towels on my back pockets because of my dripping nose and sneezing. I was starting to get a little annoyed and the trip was becoming a little harder for me. It was just hard watching Tyson because of all the bigger kids running around. Not counting how many kids were there in the first place. There must have been like 10 field trips that day.
After the water area, we all decided to head back to the playroom. There was a lot more to see but I definitely rather save it for a better day. We headed back to the playroom and Ty loves the slide. He kept climbing up the stairs and wanting to slide down this mini little slide. With my help of course. Well at one moment he was NOT playing with the slide but with these blocks and balls so I decided to run into the bathroom really quick to grab some toilet paper for my nose. OF COURSE I come out and I see like 4 mommies in a crowd around Tyson crying. "OMG WHAT HAPPENED?" well turns out he tried to go down the slide again in that 1 minute that I was gone and he fell and hurt himself. I felt like such a bad mommy at that moment because as m child is crying, I'm in the bathroom and all the other mommies were probably thinking "why did she leave her child". Probably the last time I do that without making sure someone could watch him. Was good to know though that the other mommies were so helpful. And Tyson is so cute how could anyone resist that cute crying faceWe ended up leaving Kidspace before most of the other mothers because I just couldn't go any longer. My allergies were getting ridiculous. More like a cold. So we said our good byes and headed home and good thing because by the end of the day I felt like I wanted to die. It turned out I was actually getting SICK!!! I have been sick all week, getting better each day but for some reason my snot and sneezes are just dragging along. So one week later, here I am, still sniffling and sneezing and what's worse is now Tyson has a runny nose, and Justin is catching it too! great. i guess that's inevitable though right. Even if you do try to sleep on the couch for 3 days to avoid me ;) This last week we've had to miss all our mommy groups because I didn't want Ty to get the other kids sick and the mommies to be ad at me. Hopefully tomorrow can kickstart a new for us. We have Gummy the Bear indoor playground..... yay!
This blog was created in order for me to brag about my perfect son. :) A lot of friends and family members are not close enough to see Tyson everyday so I update this blog every few days [if not more] in order for all of you to "watch" him grow and keep up with his learning and accomplishments. Hope you enjoy!!
Your 2 Year Old
Two-year-olds give the biggest hugs, flash the biggest smiles, and yes, throw the loudest, most spectacular tantrums. Because they live in the moment, their feelings are especially transparent. It's tempting to want to keep things happy for your child at all times. But it's also important for her to experience emotions like sadness, frustration, and anger without always being "rescued" by Mom or Dad, so she can learn to cope better with small setbacks.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Mommy Group: Kidspace
Posted by Ashmommy at 10:35 PM
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Busy little cute...can't wait to see you all on Sunday!!!
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